When you enter the world of web development, it means you’re ready for a never-ending learning adventure that gives you the opportunity to discover and learn something new every day. And the most exciting thing about this world of web development is discovering the power of the JavaScript language to help make the web interactive.

You may have heard of service functions, which are nothing more than helper functions, small reusable pieces of code that serve a specific purpose or perform a specific task. Their purpose is to simplify common or repetitive operations in a program, making the code more readable, maintainable, and efficient.

Convert any text to all-caps mode

Sometimes we need to make sure that the first letter of every word is capitalized. Here is a useful function capitalizeText that converts any text to capitalization mode.

Check the form

Have you ever noticed that if you fill in any incorrect email address or password in a website registration form, you are notified with a message like “Invalid email address or password is too short”. This is nothing more than a registration form surrounded by a verification form. The form validation helps you to verify that the information you have entered (such as email addresses, passwords, full names, or phone numbers) is correct and safe to use.

Shorten the description

Sometimes you have a long paragraph but only want to show a part of it. This feature helps you narrow it down while keeping the main idea. Think of it as a glimpse to help you decide if you want to read more.

For example, you’re showing product details on your e-commerce website and want to show a brief overview on the product listing page, making sure it’s not too long. You can also see a similar thing on blog websites.

Create user-friendly URLs (Slugify)

Have you ever noticed in the titles of many blog posts that the text is separated by hyphens, for example: “7-essential-JavaScript-utilities-that-work-for-your-web-projects”. This type of string is also known as a slugified string. Creating user-friendly URLs, or “slugging,” means creating simple, clear, and easy-to-understand links to websites.

Login disinfection

If you want to protect your websites from harmful or unexpected data that people enter on websites, one tool that will help with this is input sanitization. It ensures that the information people enter is clean and secure.

Imagine you have an e-commerce website, it features many products, and you allow users to leave reviews about the products, and you want to make sure that their reviews don’t contain malicious code that could compromise security.

Manage data on the client side (localStorage)

LocalStorage is client-side storage in web browsers that allows you to store data in key-value pairs.

Sometimes you need to remember things for users, like their preferences on websites. So, these features help you store and retrieve this information on their device. For example, you’re building a to-do list app and want to save a user’s to-do items to their device so they’re still there even after they close the browser.

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Hilton Max