SOLID is an acronym that describes 5 principles of oop (object-oriented programming) and design. They were formulated by Robert Martin and are aimed at making code more flexible, readable and maintainable.

  • Maintainability and extensibility: Front-end projects often grow and evolve rapidly, especially in complex applications. By following SOLID, developers can more easily adapt and extend their code without significant rewrites;
  • Reducing complexity: Modern web applications can be very complex. SOLID helps manage this complexity by breaking code into smaller, more manageable pieces;
  • Fostering teamwork: When a project adheres to well-defined guidelines, new team members can understand the codebase more quickly, and collaboration becomes more efficient;
  • Improving code quality: SOLID promotes writing cleaner, more organized and testable code, which is important for the stability and reliability of web applications;
  • Adaptability to change: With technology and user requirements constantly changing, adhering to SOLID makes it easier to adapt to new requirements without completely redesigning the system.

The principle of single responsibility is one of the key principles in SOLID, which states that each class or module in program code should have only one reason to change. In other words, it means that each class should be responsible for only one area of functionality and have only one task or responsibility. This principle helps avoid “god objects” – classes that try to do too many things at once, which leads to complexity and makes code difficult to maintain.

The openness/closedness principle is based on the idea that classes should be open to extension but closed to modification. This means that the behavior of a class can be changed without changing its source code, by adding new code rather than modifying existing code.

Liskov’s substitution principle states that if a class S is a subtype of a class T, then objects of type T can be replaced by objects of type S without changing the desired correctness of program execution. This means that subclasses must be substitutable into their parent classes.

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Hilton Max