Practices and patterns Archives - Moutjs Blog about modular JavaScript utilities Fri, 31 May 2024 10:37:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Practices and patterns Archives - Moutjs 32 32 Optimizing performance in React unit testing Fri, 24 May 2024 10:30:46 +0000 Optimizing test performance means increasing the speed and efficiency of your test suite. Here are some strategies you can use to optimize test performance

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Optimizing test performance means increasing the speed and efficiency of your test suite. Here are some strategies you can use to optimize test performance:

  • Avoid unnecessary rendering: In React, unnecessary rendering can slow down your tests. Be sure to render only the components you need for the test;
  • Use shallow rendering: shallow rendering is a feature provided by libraries like enzyme that renders a component “one level down” and prevents unnecessary rendering of children;
  • Mock heavy dependencies: If your component depends on other components or modules that are heavy or slow (such as network requests), consider mocking them using Jest’s mocking features;
  • Run tests in parallel: Jest runs tests in parallel by default, which can speed up your test suite considerably. Make sure your tests are independent of each other so that they can be run in any order;
  • Limit the number of snapshots: While snapshot tests can be useful, they can also slow down your test suite and make it harder to maintain if overused. Consider limiting the number of snapshot tests and favor explicit statements whenever possible.

Unit testing is an important part of software development. It ensures that the code works properly and helps maintain high quality standards. With Jest and React, you can write comprehensive unit tests that help you build reliable web applications.

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Integrating modular JavaScript utilities with Node.js Thu, 09 May 2024 10:25:12 +0000 Integrating modular JavaScript utilities with Node.js allows you to build powerful and efficient server-side applications.

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Integrating modular JavaScript utilities with Node.js allows you to build powerful and efficient server-side applications. Node.js provides a runtime environment that is well suited for developing scalable and high-performance applications, and modular utilities help structure code and simplify code maintenance. In this article, we will look at the main aspects of integrating modular JavaScript utilities with Node.js.

Why use modular utilities in Node.js?

Modular utilities allow you to break your code into small, independent pieces that are easy to test and maintain. This is especially important when working with large projects, where good code organization helps avoid chaos and bugs. Node.js, with its modular system and support for CommonJS and ES6 modules, is an ideal environment for using module utilities.

Creating and using modules in Node.js

Node.js initially uses the CommonJS standard for working with modules. Here are the basic steps for creating and using modules using CommonJS.

  • Create a new file, such as mathUtils.js, and export the functions or variables you need;
  • In another file, import and use the functions from the created module;
  • Modern versions of Node.js support ES6 modules. Here’s how to create and use modules using ES6 modules;
  • Create a new file, such as mathUtils.mjs, and export the functions or variables you need;
  • In another file, import and use the functions from the created module.

Benefits of a modular approach

Modular utilities allow code to be reused in different parts of the application, reducing duplication and making support easier.
Improved testability

Modular code is easier to test. You can write separate tests for each module, making testing more manageable and efficient.
Improved scalability

Splitting code into modules makes it easier to add new features and modules to the project. This makes the project more scalable and flexible.

Integrating modular JavaScript utilities with Node.js provides a powerful tool for creating structured and maintainable server-side applications. Using a modular approach helps improve code organization, testability, and scalability. By following the best practices and principles of modular programming, you will be able to build high-quality and resilient applications in Node.js.

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Design templates for modular utilities Fri, 19 Apr 2024 10:20:00 +0000 Modular utilities in JavaScript play a key role in creating clean, maintainable, and scalable code. Using proven design patterns helps to simplify development and improve code quality.

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Modular utilities in JavaScript play a key role in creating clean, maintainable, and scalable code. Using proven design patterns helps to simplify development and improve code quality. In this article, we will look at a few basic design patterns that can be effectively applied when working with modular utilities.

Module Pattern

The Module pattern allows you to encapsulate private variables and methods by providing an interface to work with them. This helps hide internal implementation and reduces the possibility of name conflicts.

Use this pattern when you need to create a module with private data and methods that should only be accessible through a public interface.

Singleton Pattern

The Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global access point to it. This is useful when you want to control access to shared resources.

Use this pattern when you want to ensure that a particular resource or service has only one instance for the entire application.

Facade Pattern

The Facade pattern provides a simplified interface to a complex system of modules. It hides the complexity of the system and makes it easier to use.

Use this pattern when you want to simplify interaction with a set of modules by providing a high-level interface.

Observer Pattern

The Observer template defines a one-to-many dependency between objects, so that when the state of one object changes, all dependent objects are notified and updated automatically.

Use this pattern when you want to ensure that dependent modules are automatically updated when the state of a module changes.

Strategy Pattern

The Strategy pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates them and makes them interchangeable. This allows you to select an algorithm at runtime rather than at compile time.

Use this pattern when you have multiple algorithm choices and need to dynamically select one of them.

Decorator Pattern

The Decorator pattern allows you to dynamically add behavior to an object by wrapping it in another object. This provides a flexible alternative way to extend functionality.

Use this pattern when you need to add new behavior to an object without changing its structure.

Using design patterns helps you create more structured, maintainable, and scalable code. When working with modular utilities, it is important to choose the right patterns depending on the specific tasks and requirements of the project. Using proven practices and patterns can improve code quality, simplify code maintenance, and speed up development.

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How to avoid common mistakes when working with modules Thu, 11 Apr 2024 10:13:00 +0000 Working with modules in JavaScript opens up many opportunities to create clean, structured, and easily maintainable code.

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Working with modules in JavaScript opens up many opportunities to create clean, structured, and easily maintainable code. However, developers often encounter a number of common mistakes when moving to a modular approach. In this article, we’ll look at these mistakes and how to avoid them.

Avoid global dependencies

One common mistake is using global variables to store data that should be encapsulated inside modules. This leads to unpredictable results and makes debugging difficult.

Use import and export mechanisms to transfer data between modules. This makes dependencies explicit and makes code easier to understand.

Proper dependency management

Creating cyclic dependencies between modules can cause unexpected problems such as incorrect module loading or runtime errors.

Structure your code to avoid cyclic dependencies. Revisit the application architecture, separate common dependencies into separate modules, and try to minimize interdependencies.

Clearly define the responsibilities of modules

Mixing responsibilities within a single module when the module performs multiple tasks makes code maintenance and testing more difficult.

Observe the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). Each module should have a clearly defined function or set of related functions. This makes modules more understandable and easier to change.

Version control of modules

Using incompatible versions of modules can cause conflicts and breakdowns in the application.

Keep track of the versions of the modules and libraries you use. Use semantic versioning (semver) and commit versions in dependency files (e.g. package.json) to avoid unexpected updates.

Unit testing

Skipping module testing leads to bugs that are difficult to detect and fix.

Write tests for your modules on a regular basis. This helps ensure that changes to one module don’t break other parts of the application. Automate testing to quickly identify and fix bugs.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can greatly improve the quality and stability of your JavaScript code. The modular approach, when used properly, makes code cleaner, more organized, and easier to maintain. Follow best practices and pay attention to detail, and your projects will become more stable and scalable.

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Simple example of creating a module Thu, 14 Mar 2024 09:57:00 +0000 Imagine that you want to create a simple application to keep track of your tasks. You plan to divide it into modules for easier code management.

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Let’s look at how to create a module in Java using a simple example.

Imagine that you want to create a simple application to keep track of your tasks. You plan to divide it into modules for easier code management.

Now you can create classes within each module. For example, in the “core” module you can create classes to handle tasks and store data, and in the “ui” module you can create classes to display the user interface and interact with the user.

It is important to remember that within each module, you are free to use classes and resources from that module. If you need to use classes from another module, you must explicitly specify the dependency in the “” file.

To compile and run your project, you can use the javac and java commands at the command line, specifying the path to the appropriate modules and classes.

That’s it! Your project is now divided into two modules, “core” and “ui”, each with its own functionality and dependencies. This allows you to manage your code more conveniently, share responsibilities between modules and make it easier to develop and maintain.

Don’t forget that this is just a simple example, and in real projects modules may be more complex and contain more dependencies and classes.

Modules in Java are a powerful tool for simplifying dependency management, defining code visibility and accessibility, providing module isolation, and making program code more readable and understandable. The introduction of modules allows you to create more robust, secure, and scalable applications. They help improve project organization, minimize version conflicts, and facilitate integration with other components. And understanding and using them is an important aspect for developers to create efficient and maintainable code.

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Importance of SOLID for Front-end developers Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:48:00 +0000 SOLID is an acronym that describes 5 principles of oop (object-oriented programming) and design. They were formulated by Robert Martin and are aimed at making code more flexible

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SOLID is an acronym that describes 5 principles of oop (object-oriented programming) and design. They were formulated by Robert Martin and are aimed at making code more flexible, readable and maintainable.

  • Maintainability and extensibility: Front-end projects often grow and evolve rapidly, especially in complex applications. By following SOLID, developers can more easily adapt and extend their code without significant rewrites;
  • Reducing complexity: Modern web applications can be very complex. SOLID helps manage this complexity by breaking code into smaller, more manageable pieces;
  • Fostering teamwork: When a project adheres to well-defined guidelines, new team members can understand the codebase more quickly, and collaboration becomes more efficient;
  • Improving code quality: SOLID promotes writing cleaner, more organized and testable code, which is important for the stability and reliability of web applications;
  • Adaptability to change: With technology and user requirements constantly changing, adhering to SOLID makes it easier to adapt to new requirements without completely redesigning the system.

The principle of single responsibility is one of the key principles in SOLID, which states that each class or module in program code should have only one reason to change. In other words, it means that each class should be responsible for only one area of functionality and have only one task or responsibility. This principle helps avoid “god objects” – classes that try to do too many things at once, which leads to complexity and makes code difficult to maintain.

The openness/closedness principle is based on the idea that classes should be open to extension but closed to modification. This means that the behavior of a class can be changed without changing its source code, by adding new code rather than modifying existing code.

Liskov’s substitution principle states that if a class S is a subtype of a class T, then objects of type T can be replaced by objects of type S without changing the desired correctness of program execution. This means that subclasses must be substitutable into their parent classes.

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